Asher and Betty Intrater are the directors of Revive Israel Ministries, an apostolic ministry team dedicated to revival in Israel. Their work has included El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick, Maryland, Netivyah Ministries in Jerusalem with Joseph Shulam, Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv with Ari Sorkoram, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel and preaching in congregations and conferences throughout Israel and the nations.
Asher is one of the founders of Tikkun Ministries International with Dan Juster and Eitan Shishkoff. He offers teaching seminars and revival meetings in many nations. The Intraters are committed to world evangelism, the power of the Holy Spirit, personal integrity, the lordship of Yeshua, the unity of the Church, and the restoration of the nation of Israel.
Having been raised in a "conservative" Jewish home in the United States, Asher came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) by a series of supernatural experiences while traveling in Central America in 1977-78. He has degrees from Harvard University, Baltimore Hebrew College, and Messiah Biblical Institute. Asher is the co-author of "Israel, The Church and the Last Days," and author of "Covenant Relationships," "The Apple of His Eye," "The Five Streams," "From Iraq to Armageddon", “What Does the Bible Really Say About the Land?” and numerous original witnessing tracts in Hebrew.
Asher and Betty serve as pastors of congregation Ahavat Yeshua (Love of Jesus) alongside Eddie and Jackie Santoro. Their current ministry priority is to raise up young Israeli believers into ministry through congregational life, daily prayer and praise watches, a discipleship training center, and personal evangelism to native Israelis.